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  • 🌜広島経済レポート掲載🌛 🌜Hiroshima Keizai Report Publication🌛
🌜広島経済レポート掲載🌛 🌜Hiroshima Keizai Report Publication🌛



Hiroshima Keizai Report is a business information magazine that provides information related to businesses in Hiroshima. The chairman of our preschool was highly honored to be on the top page of this magazine on the October 25th edition. Our preschool information is also published in it.

There were some positive responses to the article and we are extremely grateful.
We are expecting an article to be published by Nishi Hiroshima Times as well, and there is a section in it concerning information about parents, that is coming up soon. Golden opportunities for people to know about our preschool are increasing!

We will do our very best to prepare for the successful grand opening and live up to our desired expectations, once we hit the ground running. We hope to satisfy our prospective parents, who are feverishly considering to enroll their kids at the preschool, come April 2019.