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  • 7月の子どもたちの様子をまとめたユーチューブビデオ公開! We are now showing the video of the memories of July!
7月の子どもたちの様子をまとめたユーチューブビデオ公開! We are now showing the video of the memories of July!



7月は七夕のつどい、泥遊び、泥だんごづくり、片栗粉遊び、そして待ちに待った水遊びに、子どもたちはおおはしゃぎ! 自分たちで育てた野菜をおやつに食べたり、運動会に向けてかけっこや踊りの練習にも励んでいます。強くたくましく育ってきた子どもたちです😁 The children at MIP enjoyed the seasonal event, Tanabata festival, and also played in the mud, making mud balls, playing with starch, and of course, swimming in the pool! The children have also started practicing their dance moves and running for the Mini Olympic Sports Day! The children at MIP are growing a lot bigger and stronger.😄


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