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  • 🥰大切にしたいこと🥰 🥰Being Positive🥰
🥰大切にしたいこと🥰 🥰Being Positive🥰



The principal of Moonlight International Preschool, Mr. Chikara Mochizuki, is passionate about showing kindness through activities of the preschool and being caring of one another.


まえむ木(Positive tree)が正面玄関を入ったところにあり、その木に職員間で素敵なところや頑張っている姿を書いて飾りポジティブな思いを伝え合います。

もうひとつは、子ども達にはStar of the weekという活動をしています。「小さな子のお世話をしてあげていたよ。」「泣いていた子に優しくしていたよ。」「自分の意見を伝えることができていたよ。」「周りの意見にも耳を傾け、相手の考えを尊重してあげていたよ。」等、 職員が子ども達に対して、良いところ探しをしています。

One of the ways to show compassion is what Mr. Mochizuki refers to as “Positivitree” act. This requires the entire staff to look out for positive attributes of each other, write them on leaf-shaped pieces of paper and hang them on a tree placed at the entrance of the preschool building for all to see. Another good act is the weekly celebration of children who distinguish themselves in a week with exemplary attributes and get selected as “Star of the Week.” “I took care of a younger child”, “I was nice and kind to a crying child”, “I was able to clearly express my opinion”, “I listen to and show respect to different opinions of other children”, etc are some of the deeds portrayed by recipients.




The staff through various activities of the week, look for praiseworthy and positive attributes children display and select outstanding children. Keenly observing one another helps everyone to find good skills and positive traits of individuals. There are reasons why people do good deeds and it is important to have a thankful heart toward such people. When you think of the IB 10 learner profile attributes, you can imagine how to apply them by reflecting on the personality traits of children.The staff of MIP totally agrees with the principal and are all motivated in pursuing this exemplary style of nurturing children to acquire positive attributes and skills as well as encouraging one another to develop desirable personalities in life.
Thank you very much.