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  • 🌜ポップジャパン様訪問🌛 🌜Visit to POP JAPAN🌛
🌜ポップジャパン様訪問🌛 🌜Visit to POP JAPAN🌛


Hello everyone!

On this day, we had a meeting with the POP JAPAN company. They are currently designing the webpage and logo for our preschool. They also have their own factory and they kindly showed us around during a tour of it. It was very interesting to see the beautiful balance of efficient mechanical production and the fine artisanship. It is always exciting to visit POP JAPAN! It’s so much fun to see the creativity being displayed there.

I wish in the future, our prospective preschoolers would enjoy the same excitement through the learning of arts and crafts at our preschool, too.:)