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  • 🌜神奈川研修🌛 🌜Professional Development Training in Kanagawa🌛
🌜神奈川研修🌛 🌜Professional Development Training in Kanagawa🌛








I attended a professional development training in Kanagawa Prefecture last week. It was a three-day training program.

The training program was for heads of schools and it was my fourth time attending such training programs. The training covered topics like recent trends regarding child care, management skills for improving the quality of child care, the revised child care curriculum in Japan, parenting support, staffing and professional development, marketing, and so on. The training also covered a whole lot of various topics and in the end, it was very fruitful.

The attendees of heads/deputy heads of schools came from all over Japan, and all participants took the opportunity to exchange pleasantries with each other and also share useful information about education.

There are quite a lot of challenges that we face in every aspect of our lives. There are some challenges we can overcome by ourselves and there are others that we need assistance to deal with. The speakers all had different thoughts and ideas about child care and I felt the need to have different views and opinions on how best to handle situations.

There was a video shown during the training session. It was about a one-year-old boy trying to wear one of an adult pair of slippers. He literally spent hours trying to wear it. The boy had only started walking, so he could not stand on one foot. At last, he wore the slipper, but as soon as he started walking it came off his foot. The impressive fact is that for hours while he was trying, he did not say a thing. He was very much focused and concentrated on his challenge to the extent that he did not get bored. He did not ask for any help and he did not give up either.

Even for one-year-old children, when they are so active and enthusiastic, they show their strength and interest in accomplishing something by controlling their emotions and discovering the purpose that enables them to do a task just like the one discussed above. It shows how important it is for young children to be devoted to something that they are interested in and how passionate they are about doing things.

This is often described as active learning, in which children develop interests, enjoy activities, become proactive, and inquire about things. In early childhood education, these are extremely important.

I was fortunate to visit an elementary school in Yokohama that implements international education policies with these features. I will talk more about that in the future(^-^)