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  • 🌜新年度!国際バカロレアが本格的に始まります🌛 🌜New Academic Year starts! International Baccalaureate is happening🌛
🌜新年度!国際バカロレアが本格的に始まります🌛 🌜New Academic Year starts! International Baccalaureate is happening🌛


IBプログラム実践にあたり、年間の計画(プログラムオブインクアイアリー: POI)を作り、実施にむけてどのような活動を取り入れられるか検討に検討を重ねています。外国人担任と日本人担任が協力して計画を進める中で、世界の幼児教育と日本の保育の融合が形になってきています。2年目を迎えたつきのひかり国際保育園の保育はますますパワーアップしていきます!

The month of April marks the start of a new academic year in Japan and Moonlight International Preschool (MIP) observed its New Beginning ceremony on April 1st. The Sky, Star and Sun classes are being introduced to IB education programme for the very first time. The IB consultant for MIP is an Australian educator called Ms. Sharron Bailey. She is an experienced educator and has also been a dedicated consultant for IB with special focus in early years education for a long time. The international and Japanese teachers of MIP frequently have webinar sessions with Sharron through zoom via the Internet.

In order to implement the IB programme effectively and successfully, the MIP teachers have collaboratively planned a Program Of Inquiry (POI) to guide the learning and teaching process for the classes. Both international and Japanese teachers are working closely together and actually reflecting on how to blend English immersion and international education with the Japanese child care principles in collaborative meetings. MIP has just begun its second academic year and is already making good progress in all its endeavours. May success crown our efforts at MIP.