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  • 🌜ハロウィン🌛 🌜Happy Halloween🌛
🌜ハロウィン🌛 🌜Happy Halloween🌛

私は小学生のときにアメリカに住んでいたのですが、大人になった今でも、ハロウィンで夜中に近所のおうちを回ったことを覚えています。アメリカのいいところの一つに、大人も真剣にバカなことをするというところがあります(笑)。たくさん回ったうちの一軒が、家をわざわざ廃墟のように飾り付けをして、玄関先のロッキングチェアに座り、頭蓋骨をもってお化けの恰好をしているとても気合の入ったおじさんがいました。かなり怖かったのですが、勇気を出して「Trick or treat!(お菓子をくれないといたずらするぞ!)」というと、怖い雰囲気を壊さないままお菓子をくれました(笑)。


Today is Halloween Day!
Towns are all beautified with Halloween decorations.

Halloween events were not very popular in Japan in the past, but in recent times, it is one of the most popular events celebrated around the country.

It is believed that on Halloween Day, the dead comes back to life to meet their family members. In Japan, “Obon”, observed during the summer, is a similar event, that honors the spirits of Japanese ancestors.

I lived in America when I was in elementary school. I still remember when I visited homes around the neighborhood, at night during Halloween. One of the many good things about Americans is that adults seriously do silly things! During those times, one of the houses that I knocked on, was decorated that it looked like a haunted house. An old guy was sitting on a rocking chair and held a skull in his arms. I was very scared, but with courage, I said, “Trick or treat?” Then the guy still pretended like a ghost, gave me a piece of candy. I asked what the skull was for, and he said it was for his son, who was too naughty. I enjoyed the American joke!

Thinking of what costume to wear during Halloween from months before the celebration, and walking long distances around many houses until my legs hurt, and receiving a big bag full of pieces of candy, are all pleasant memories that I still remember clearly and cherish.
There are lots of beautiful memories from my childhood in America, but the ones that I still remember as an adult are the most exciting moments.

We are planning to celebrate Halloween events at our preschool as well, and we will make it one of the most fun events that children will remember with fond memories for a very long time.
🎃Happy Halloween!Spooky Halloween!!Creepy Halloween!!!🎃