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  • 🌜地鎮祭、棟上式、着々とこども園建築が進んでおります!🌛 🌜Ground-breaking ceremony and framework raising ceremony finished! The Kodomoen construction is proceeding steadily🌛
🌜地鎮祭、棟上式、着々とこども園建築が進んでおります!🌛 🌜Ground-breaking ceremony and framework raising ceremony finished! The Kodomoen construction is proceeding steadily🌛


来年4月開園のFull Moon International Kodomoen Onoの地鎮祭、棟上式が滞りなく行われ、着々とこども園の園舎完成に向けて建築工事が進んでおります!ご理解ご協力いただいている皆様誠にありがとうございます。

Full Moon International Kodomoen Ono is opening next April. The ground-breaking ceremony and the framework raising ceremony have finished and the construction is proceeding steadily! Huge appreciation to everyone for your cooperation and understanding.