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🌜研修🌛 🌜Training🌛




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This week I have attended a three-day training program to educate myself a lot more about running a preschool.
During those times, there were many phone calls made to my phone, but unfortunately, I could not answer any of them. Therefore, I had to return those numerous calls later on. I am very sorry for the inconvenience caused anyone who may have called to engage me in a conversation or seek my advice on a pressing issue. Please note that it was never intended and your kind understanding will be very much appreciated.

I am glad that so many people are interested in our preschool’s international education program.
The most significant aspects and interesting features are the English education program and the information sessions that we have held and shared detailed information with the prospective parents in recent times. We hope to continue with more of such sessions when the opportunity comes around.

We will be redesigning and updating our homepage soon, so please exercise patience in the meantime and expect additional information and updated information about us from time to time.

During the training sessions I attended, the main focus was on children’s safety and health care. We closely looked at the renewed National Preschool Curriculum and the proposed guidelines and had good discussions about them. The guidelines were not only useful for preschool teachers and staff, but also for the prospective parents and guardians, too.

There was also a lesson about how important it is to have a special feature about establishing and operating a preschool. Our special features are going to be English education and nurturing of children to become internationally minded individuals. However, the most important aspect of our preschool institution is that we hope to focus on and achieve our topmost priorities, which are “Relief, Safety, and Health”.

Another significant thing is the connection that I have established with other preschool principals and heads from other prefectures. I learned how other prefectures or areas have their own rules, norms, traditions and habits. I am completely hopeful that we will hit the ground running, succeed in achieving our goals and be the best or be with the best institutions that parents would be so proud of. Keep wishing us luck!