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  • 🌜広島叡智学園中学校・高等学校 視察🌛 🌜Visit to HiROSHIMA GLOBAL ACADEMY🌛
🌜広島叡智学園中学校・高等学校 視察🌛 🌜Visit to HiROSHIMA GLOBAL ACADEMY🌛


We were able to visit HiROSHIMA GLOBAL ACADEMY, a junior and senior high school that is opening for the academic year in April 2019.



This school is under the prefectural board of education and is a boarding school. They are going to be the first boarding school to teach most lessons in English. They will also accept students from overseas, and become an International Baccalaureate school.


The school opens at the same time as our preschool. Their English and international education, nurturing children who are able to shine internationally in the future, are aspects that are similar to ours, and paying a visit there was very fruitful.


The school is located in Osakikamishima island, so you need to cruise there by boat or ferry.


The location is full of wildlife and the huge facility is currently under construction. It is going to be a very appealing junior/senior high school in the area.


The application-to-enrollment ratio was an astonishing 9.38!
No wonder it is so popular as it offers high-quality boarding education with very low tuition fees.


It would be great if preschoolers who graduate from our institution could continue their learning at HiROSHIMA GLOBAL ACADEMY!

Live. Love. Laugh. Learn!