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  • ~7月前半を振り返り~ ~Reviewing the first half of July∼
~7月前半を振り返り~ ~Reviewing the first half of July∼

7月11日のSwimming Startsでは、プールに入って大はしゃぎの子どもたち!

At the Tanabata party on July 5, Mr. Winifred (a foreign teacher) played the role of Orihime and Ms. Chelsea (a foreign teacher) played Hikoboshi.
The children watched with interest and were very happy to take pictures and cross the Milky Way afterwards.
Children have a blast in the pool at Swimming Starts on July 11!
Mr. Greg, Mr. John Luke, and other foreign instructors and Japanese nursery staff enjoyed splashing water on the children and sharing their experiences with them.
After that, there were many days when I could not swim due to the heat stroke alert. I hope we will be able to swim again after the Bon festival.
Please take a look at the precious photos.