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Peace Day

つきのひかり国際保育園も8月6日に世界平和を願って毎年Peace Dayをしています。


On August 6 (Hiroshima) and August 9 (Nagasaki), the Peace Memorial Ceremony is held every year to commemorate the atomic bombing victims and to wish for the abolition of nuclear weapons and the realization of lasting world peace.

Tsumiki no Hikari International Nursery School also celebrates Peace Day every year on August 6, wishing for world peace.

I believe it is a step toward “contributing to building a more peaceful world” of IB education.

This year, children from the Sun class presented a play to the whole class based on a picture book, in which they fought over things, which turned into a fight, and then into a war with weapons. Many children seemed to feel that they did not want to fight.

The children from 0 to 2 years old made a tree of “Aogiri” in front of the A-bomb Dome, and the children from 2 to 5 years old made lanterns and wished for peace together. Please take a look at the pictures below.

Also, please see the lanterns on our instagram as a prayer for peace.