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  • 6月の子どもたちの様子をまとめたユーチューブビデオ公開! We are now showing the video of the memories of June!
6月の子どもたちの様子をまとめたユーチューブビデオ公開! We are now showing the video of the memories of June!

6月は外遊び、かけっこ、ダンスと、元気いっぱいの子どもたちでした! 手作りおやつや手作り梅ジュース、自分たちで作ると味も格別☆ 大野東小学校の皆さんと交流したり、近くの農家さんにお野菜をいただいたり、地域とのふれあいも楽しんでいます♪


The children at MIP have been running, dancing, and playing around outside every morning for their daily warm-up activities. The children made their own pizza and also took turns to prepare plum juice. They were so yummy!☆ They had a joint English lesson with Ono Higashi Elementary School students, and also visited a nearby farm to see some vegetables. The staff and children of MIP are enjoying the friendship established with members of the local community.☆