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  • 🐝小さなお友だち🐝 🐝 Little Friends🐝
🐝小さなお友だち🐝 🐝 Little Friends🐝


2021年4月 こども園を開園します!


(つきのひかり国際保育園 〠739-0408 廿日市市大野625-1  ℡0829-50-2280)



Moonlight International Prechool is located in between a mountain and a couple of rice fields and as a result, the environment is rich with nature and lots of bugs. These “little friends” sometimes visit the preschool. The children always look forward to meeting their little friends every day and interact with them.

😊”There were small bugs here,” said one child. The children were engaged and watched curiously to see what was going to happen. No one touched the bugs as they enjoyed the interaction. What’s next? Everybody wondered.


The caring children planned an escape route for the bugs with their teacher. The gentle expression that glowed on each child’s face signalled joy and satisfaction. “We did it!” They smiled at each other in the end.