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  • 😄2代目カブトムシ😄   😄2nd generation beetle😄
😄2代目カブトムシ😄   😄2nd generation beetle😄

昨年、ご近所さんから頂いたカブトムシが大きく育っています。このカブトムシは2歳児クラスと3歳児クラスさんがお世話をしてくれています。カブトムシが過ごしやすいよう枯葉や木を用意したりカブトムシのゼリーは「Beetle jelly please!」と事務所まで取りに来てくれます。小さな命を愛おしく思い、大切な友だちとしてお世話をしてくれている子ども達が素晴らしいです。子ども達の優しい気持ちがみんなの心を温かくしてくれてます。

MIP received beetles from a neighbor last year and they have grown big over time. The beetles are being taken care of by our 2-year-olds and 3-year-olds. They prepared dead leaves and tree branches for the beetles to enjoy a bit of nature. They also feed the beetles with jelly provided by the office staff from time to time. The kids always say, “Jelly, please!” anytime they notice the jelly tubs are empty. The children are developing and showing love and care for the lovely creatures as one of the important aspects of their lifelong learning. It is heartwarming to see the children in action.